Glen Arbor Sun: Yes! You CAN surf on Lake Michigan

Rod said it best “it almost doesn’t make sense how a small store in a town with virtually no retail can be successful, but it thrives off of positivity, good attitudes and stoke.”

Learn some cool history about SBSK and the growing surf community in 2011 along with the launch of our SBX Junior Waterman Camp.

Read the article in the Glen Arbor Sun, written by Lindsay Simmons

Northern Express: Wave Riders


“Beryl, a fit and fresh-eyed blonde, is now the proud owner of Sleeping Bear Surf and Kayak…” Anne Stanton, Northern Express

And Paul Deheer as “Surfer Dude”.


My North: Surfing Lake Michigan in Frankfort… In November

This is so good. Check out this epic blast-from-the-past in video! Legends Frank Skrocki, Paul Deheer and Jay Darling in front of the camera on a day at the Pier that in these times would have been crowded with a couple dozen people!

Visit the Landing Page.



Glen Arbor Sun: Skimmin’ Up North

While the stream between North Bar Lake and Lake Michigan was still in it’s prime for skim boarding, we held the SBX Up North Skim Competition- such a rad event in collaboration with local skimboard legends Weston Buchan, Adam Scarbrough and the man behind the action with all the passion, Kyle Bazner who took his life in 2013.

Enjoy this fun blast from the past.